Tuning into Blue Array’s Remote SEO Meetup: Mastering SEO for Large Scale Websites

Tuning into Blue Array’s Remote SEO Meetup: Mastering SEO for Large Scale Websites

On Wednesday, we tuned into Blue Array’s Remote SEO Meetup, these sessions bring together some of the best SEO minds to share industry leading knowledge and tips.

This time, we heard from Jordan Francis, SEO Manager at Blue Array, Miracle Inameti-Archibong, Head of SEO at Erudite and Ruth Everett, Technical SEO Analyst at DeepCrawl who each gave their three top tips for any SEO struggling with their large scale websites.

Here are three tips from our speakers which we found particularly insightful:

Jordan’s Tip:  Managing quality indexation at scale


First up was Jordan Francis, SEO Manager at Blue Array, his first tip centred around managing quality indexation. As Google’s John Mueller said, ‘a bunch of low pages on a site does affect how we view the site overall’, as he explained, ‘the larger scale the site, the more difficult it is to keep track of content quality, many sites have a considerable amount of low quality content which has never been identified, 90.63% of all content on the web gets zero traffic from Google.’

His recommendation for approaching this issue?

Spend the time to understand the nuances of your site through running crawls and getting as much performance data as possible, if you find yourself with a lot of low or no-performance content, evaluate whether you truly need the content, or whether its providing a purpose for the user and carry out a bit of a spring clean.


Miracle’s Tip:  Establishing a Maintenance Rulebook


Next up we heard from Miracle Inameti-Archibong, Head of SEO at Erudite, she proposed Establishing a Maintenance Rulebook for Speed. Alongside her other tips, Miracle aimed to provide quick tips for SEO’s to action to improve their site without having to get your dev team involved.

She used the example of Next, who in reaction to COVID-19, took down their whole site as they were unable to react without the involvement of their dev teams. Establishing a Maintenance Rulebook for Technical Changes and for speed could give your team greater capacity to react to changes on your site.

Ruth’s Tip: Use tactical crawling to get initial insights into your site’s technical health


The sessions last speaker was Ruth Everett, Technical SEO Analyst at DeepCrawl. The tip we loved from Ruth centred on using tactical crawling. She advised SEO’s to be tactical about their crawls, by gathering a smaller amount of data to get the representative for your site’s general health. Do this by adapting your crawling levels, crawling by page groupings, or segmenting by categorisation. This won’t negate the findings of larger dives for full site audits but allows you to get a more efficient picture of your site’s technical health.

The remote SEO Meetup will be returning on September 9th, you can find more details of future webinars on the Remote SEO Meetup site.