
At ROAST, Paid Media is inclusive of PPC, Paid Social, Display & Programmatic, Amazon Marketing and Mobile, we don’t rely on one tactic for brand awareness and instead will work to create an effective and strategic plan to achieve your business goals.

PPC Services

ROAST specialise in creating bespoke, highly-targeted, KPI-focused PPC campaigns, driven by the metrics that matter to your business. Our teams leverage market-leading technology and automation together with our own in-house built, proprietary solutions to manage complex and high performance accounts at scale while maintaining rigorous best practice.

Display and Programmatic Services

Our Display & Programmatic team at ROAST activate campaigns across all stages of the marketing funnel, from video placements achieving impactful reach to targeted display buys driving on-site conversion. The team’s wide experience of the media marketplace enables us to buy safely, transparently and efficiently, all supported by insights provided by our proprietary in-house tech.

Paid Social Services

Purposeful and effective paid social strategies should always have your performance metrics at front of mind – whether it’s direct response or branding KPIs. ROAST keep those objectives at the core of every Paid Social campaign we execute. We maximise our clients’ performance across multiple platforms, including Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and TikTok.

Mobile Marketing Services

At ROAST we use our specialist experience in app acquisition to unlock incremental growth for our Mobile clients. Our team’s primary focus is on acquiring quality new users for our clients’ apps through targeted digital media buys on mobile. We take a zero-tolerance approach to mobile ad fraud and optimise beyond the install to true lifetime value.

Amazon Marketing Services

ROAST has a dedicated team created specifically for capturing the ever-increasing opportunities offered by Amazon. Our team has the required blend of search, programmatic, VOD and mobile expertise to fully leverage the whole Amazon ecosystem as well as account management.

Radio & Audio

As the most trusted form of media, Radio can play a valuable role either alone or alongside other channels to drive campaign performance. Driving reach and awareness or performance and growth.

Press Media Services

Press is a highly engaged media, therefore continues to provide value either as a standalone media strategy or as part of an integrated plan.


There’s a TV revolution happening right now. Consumers have more control than ever before over, how, where and when they consume TV and Video content. This video evolution presents a huge opportunity for brands looking to tap into the power of TV, to drive growth and response.


At ROAST we use an array of both quantitative and qualitative research tools and techniques to uncover category, competitor, consumer and cultural Insights for brands. These Insights feed directly into highly effective digital strategies.

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