Friday ROASTing – Steff Preyer
Steff Preyer, Account Director

If you were on Death Row what would you ask for as your last meal?
A sushi platter… and a bottle of good wine.
What’s the best thing about being an Account Director?
For me, it’s definitely the relationships that you build, both internally and externally. I’m lucky in that I’ve got clients and colleagues who I count as good friends, which makes a massive difference during times when work is stressful.
If you could bring one aspect of Cape Town to London, what would it be?
The work-life balance. Life, as in getting in fresh air and nature, not going to the pub, which the UK is obviously very good at.
In Cape Town, you can climb a mountain before work and go for a surf afterwards. I would love to spend more time outdoors and less underground.
What recent or upcoming developments in SEO have been getting you and your clients excited?
The work we’ve been doing on Voice Search has been a big area of interest for our clients. The ways in which people engage with mobile and home assistants are changing all the time, and it’s an area that most companies aren’t yet taking advantage of, so it is great to be involved in the forefront of industry innovation and technology.
In the wake of Valentine’s Day love has been in the air this week at ROAST; what’s the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
When I was doing my university post-grad, I was essentially working in a rat lab, which meant I had no life and probably wasn’t much fun to be around. My boyfriend at the time would often give up his Saturdays to help me clean out rat cages when I was on duty… not the most glamorous of gestures, but at the time it counted for a lot.