Women in Tech SEO – August Meet-Up
Last night saw the 2nd monthly meet-up of Women in Tech SEO where we heard from not one, but two badass Women in (Tech) SEO.
Located in the heart of the East End, just off Brick Lane, e-commerce fashionistas Silk Fred kindly played hostess to a bunch of our motley, nerdy crew. There was learning, there was networking, there was Prosecco.
A girl’s gotta eat, you know?
First up was Serena Pearson (known on the interwebs as @exceldaddy) from Kaizen – an absolute firecracker, sharing her experience with migrations and how best to navigate them (top tip, involves a lot of cake bribery).
She took us briefly through the 5 main stages of a migration. For the uninitiated, migrations are a big deal, so it’s important to do them correctly because once you’ve pushed that button, you can’t go back!
Key takeaways included:
- Understand the purpose of the migration
- Know and understand the stakeholders involved with the migration
- Don’t underestimate how much time you’ll need (Gantt charts are great for this)
- Be prepared to go back and forth more than once or twice with a document
- Keep all your old crawls (P R E A C H)
- Make your report before you start so when things get crazy busy you can just press that big ‘ol migrate button and watch the data roll in
- Organise the technical audit future fixes in order of priority so that when your client moves into post-migration care, you have the power to inform decisions
We definitely came away with a greater knowledge on how to manage stakeholders and expectations during the migration process.
Next, all the way from Sweden, and the co-founder of our Swedish Sisterhood, Ulrika Viberg of UNIKORN enlightened us with a Toolkit for More Effective SEO Strategies.
Her TechSEO motto?
Onto the Toolkit Bits…
- PROVEN WINNERS: a.k.a. Have an idea, test test test, roll out to other clients/verticals if successful
Ulrika describes a Proven Winner as: A tested feature that is proven to be successful on multiple platforms, sites or domains, through a standardised process and documented in a standardised report.
- SCORE CARDS: a.k.a a way to compare non-comparable platforms in a way that makes the C-suite sit up and take notice of SEO and its value to the business.
Score card metrics can include:
a) Basic SEO items (check the periodic table of SEO)
b) Any technical SEO items not in the list of basic SEO
c) Content areas
d) Links metrics
e) Proven Winners (see above)
f) Share of traffic and / or positions
- P – P – P: a.k.a a daily scrum but for the week, focusing on 3 elements; Progress, Plan and Problems
P-P-P is a standardised way of faster communicating the work and progress in multiple projects across multiple teams to give the ultimate visibility and to give a platform to highlight some great results as and when they happen.
The P-P-P method is designed to be a short and sweet catch-up so write down 3-5 bullet points on:
- Line items that you’ve progressed on
- Line items that you’re planning on doing in the immediate future
- Some problems (your wider team could help you, sharing it caring!)
“But when should I implement P-P-P with my team?”, you ask. Fear not, our own Tech Pirate Paige Hobart asked the very same. The answer? Thursday at 3pm.
If you’re not already convinced that Ulrika is an utter genius with her Toolkit, here’s what it means to us TechSEOers:
→ It’s easier to sell in projects and implementations of technical features, to the greater organisation when it is packaged with a description and expected results attached to it
→ There can be a more effective follow-up and analysis with the Score Card, particularly with other departments
→ Highlighting your awesome work and creating a buzz around (Technical) SEO in the wider organisation, will give you a better seat at the budget planning table
And so ended the presentations, and a little later, the Prosecco. Thank you to Orit for volunteering her company’s space and for being such an amazing host, thank you to both our speakers for our learnings of the night, and once again, thank you Areej for creating something so useful, engaging and fun (we love you).
Emily, we expect bubbles.
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