Happy First Birthday, ROAST!
2015 was a year to be proud of for ROAST. Having started the year with no clients, or even a company name, we grew into an established business that finished the year in our own office on Great Titchfield Street, with 26 members of the ROAST clan, AKA Roasties.
This time last year, we were simply five bodies gathered around a desk trying to think of a company name. Trust me we went through many, many options, from nursey rhymes to cockney rhyming slang, I’m pleased to say the guys vetoed Bish Bash Bosh… The list was exhaustive. However, finally Charlotte suggested ROAST, and despite the unintentional foodie link to my previous agency STEAK, we chose it as it spells out exactly what we deliver for our clients – ROAS (return on ad spend).
Knowing what we would deliver as an agency, wasn’t the difficult part, but attracting clients in a market dominated by the network agencies was a tough ask, especially for a brand new start up in the industry. That’s why when asked what my proudest achievement to date was, my answer was simple – it’s our Roasties.
Charlotte and Gareth have experienced the network agency route, and early on they both commented on how impersonal it all was. Kieran quickly commented that ‘passion beats scale’ any day and Gareth added that we should remain ‘ferociously independent’. These two beliefs will stay with us for many years to come.
Our third belief when we started ROAST, was wanting to launch something that everyone felt part of. We wanted for people to feel part of the company and know that they can make a difference. That when walking through the doors in the morning that people were happy to do so. We also felt that it was best for us and our clients if the team also felt part of our clients business and helping them achieve their targets. In turn this will help us achieve our targets and make work all the more enjoyable.
I want to always ensure Roasties are joining a collaborative and supportive team where their opinions are valued.
In our first year, I’d like to say thank you to everyone at ROAST who managed to create a culture that puts people first. We blend talent and personality to ensure that the culture of work hard / play hard threads through. The personalised, inclusive nature of our company, is what keeps people bought in. If you love where you work… we believe your clients feel that in the work produced.
Finally, I’d love to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of the ROAST team, and all of those that have helped us through our first year.
The digital landscape is getting more and more complicated, our efforts cannot wane and our passion must remain prevalent, to continually drive the best ROAS for our clients.